Awards and Media

Within the last years my work has gained interest in the public. 
Here you will find links to relevant articles, awards, and lectures.

3. Sustainability Congress 2024
Keynote Speaker

With my keynote "Vom Schmelzen der Zeit: Gletscherfotografie als Aufruf zum Handeln" I had the great honor to contribute to a wonderful congress at the Umweltforum Berlin.

IPA 2024 - International Photography Awards
Honorable Mention (2x)

Honorable Mention for "Ice Explosion" 
(Fine Art - Abstract)
Honorable Mention for "Winterlandscape inside Icecave" (Nature Landscape) 

IPA - One Shot Contest 2024

International Photography Awards
Official selection One Shot - Searching for Peace - Nature's Serenity
Silent Ice Cave Mittelbergferner, Tyrol, Austria

falstaff Magazine - Nr. 04/2024

Interview about my glacier photography in combination with three of my abstract glacier images. 

KulturSommerQuartier - Forchheim, Germany

Three images of my portfolio as part of the overall Foto Forum Forchheim (FoFoFo) open air exhibition from May 31st - Aug. 31st 2024.

Solo Exhibition "Gletscherschwund in den Alpen" - Innsbruck, Austria

From April, 25th until May, 2nd 2024 my first solo exhibition was on display at the Distillery Innsbruck.

Österreichischer Alpenverein (Austrian Alpine Club) - Bergauf #2.2024
(April/May, 2024) - print & online

Cover image, plus article and interview about my glacier photography in club magazine. Starting at p. 34. (in German) 

SIENA International Photo Awards 2024

One of my images from an ice cave was shortlisted in the category nature.

United Nations Climate Change 
(March, 19th 2024) - online

Collaboration post on social media channels Instagram, YouTube shorts and Tik Tok along the release of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) "State of GLobal Climate Report" 2023. 

National Geographic Germany (Oct. 2023) - online

"Einzigartige Gebilde aus Eis und Schnee - die Gletscherhöhlen der Alpen" (Nina Piatschek)

Ohne den Hype (Dec. 2023) - German Podcast
Episode 149

I was invited at the leading German Design and Creative Podcast "Ohne den Hype" with host Sven Saro. Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.  

ALPS - Das Magazin für alpine Lebensart 
(Winter 2024 - ALPS #60)

"Eiswelten - Gletscherhöhlen offenbaren eine Welt voller Magie und Schönheit"

Deutscher Alpenverein (July 2023) - print & online

Double page in bi-monthly "Panorama" magazine of German Alpine Club - Edition 4/2023. 

IPA 2023 - Deeper Perspective

Category "Conservation" - Finalist with my glacial series
"Into the ice"

Thomson Reuters (July 2023) - online

Images and video footage from Litli-Hrútur eruption distributed in global press release (July 10th, 2023) and published on BBC,,,, and other news channels.

BBC Breakfast (July 2023) - TV

Live Interview TV BBC Breakfast (July 12th, 2023) about the 
Litli-Hrútur eruption in Iceland.

IPA 2023 - International Photography Awards
Honorable Mention (2x)

Honorable Mention for "Abstract Glaciers of the Alps" 
(Fine Art - Abstract)
Honorable Mention for "Abstract Iceland - A Hommage to the Art of Mother Nature" (Nature - Aerial/Drone)

SIENA Awards - Drone Photo Awards 2023

One of my abstract images from Iceland was shortlisted. 

Museum für Kommunikation - Frankfurt 
KLIMA_X Special Exhibition 2022/2023

One of my glacier comparisons was part of the KLIMA_X special exhibition at the Museum for Communication in Frankfurt a. Main/Germany (Oct. 13th 2022 - Aug. 27th 2023)

Pictures - Das Fotomagazin (Jan./Feb. 2023)

"Schwindende Schönheit" - Gletscherfotografie mit der Drohne

Docu Magazine - Volume 4 - Issue 2 (2023)

Visual Storytelling: Documentary And Street Photography 
(Print Edition) - Image series

DAV Sektion Nürnberg - Guest lecture (Jan. 2023)

"Die abstrakte Schönheit der Gletscher unserer Alpen"

German Alpine Club Section Nuremberg

VIENNA International Photo Award - 2022

Gold Medal - Our World - The Beauty of Nature
+ 2 x Shortlist - Our World - The Beauty of Nature
+ 3 x Shortlist - Available Light & Night Photography

Docu Book - Volume 9 (2022)

Visual Storytelling: Documentary And Street Photography 
(E-Book) - Image series

National Geographic Germany (Feb. 2021) - online

"Gletscherschmelze in Europa: Die Vorher-Nachher-Bilder des Klimwandels von 1880 bis heute" (Deborah Roth)